Senin, 26 Juli 2010

There are three glasses on a table

There are three glasses on a table. Clear water in a cup of rusty iron, and there was a clean glass of water that is dirty. And the rest, a glass of clear glass and filled with clear water.
This is probably the parable of human on this earth. The phenomenon of clear water in a dirty glass, then slowly, clear water will be contaminated by a dirty container. This may be likened to a person who behaved badly, probably also has a bad heart, too. Any clear water in pour into a glass of this type, there would be dirty too. So, if you have a good heart, do not be tampered with dirty words, what dirty deeds. Since this will greatly affect the liver, and clarity of mind.
Dirty water is being placed in a clean container, then over time the clear glass would have been contaminated with dirty water. This may be likened to a right hypocrite. He has a bad heart, but trying to cover it with a smile of hatred. Over time, the starch will be seen the inner stripe and crime. The source of the evil heart, actually comes from prejudice against something. then, over time, he really hated her for no apparent reason. But he hide his hatred in his heart, because of some things, and he was sweet face in front of people she hated. At some point, if there is a chance to plunge the person, then he is the worst person in contempt, and the sharpest words.

Before the hate, humility and morality that prasngka trap, it's good we always think positive, so that makes this heart easy, roomy, and pernuh joy. What makes this quiet life is our people who are not hostile against us. Believe me my friend.
Good people, with a good heart, and good behavior, and the words in accordance with conscience and truth, that which is in the clear water glass that shines. Everyone could see the clarity of his heart, his inner sincerity, and purity of her words. This is the best in life. With openness, our hearts will be open, not guilty, and many people will be respected. Happiness is the smile, happiness is on openness, and friendship. Even with the animal though, if friendly, then it must be nice.
Recognized or not, we psti been helped by other people, and never harmed. If humans are positive, it will make sick as a lesson, and tried to prevent the same thing but is not revengeful. He menggapnya as a process of maturity itself. Also, reply to the good of those who have helped the problem he could, and will continue to try to help others if he could not repay those who helped him, as gratitude. There are a select few that he felt bored and miserable, if not to help other beings.
Was a negative person, the pain will reply to everyone. He considers all human beings are the same, bad, ugly, and there is no sanctity in it. He will continue menykiti others, until he dies, and is regarded as a psychopath.
The choice is up to what is selected, what to put clear water in a dirty glass, or glass that is used to clean dirty yahng then filled with water, or clean glass filled with clear water. And choose what want to be a psychopath, or choose to become full human beings who love and peace. Berproseslah become better ....
Regards ..

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the simple man, nyantey, to the point, terkadang suka hal2 rumit. hobi adventue+camp. talk less do more...