The universe is finite. There is creation, the process of nothingness into existence, and finally destroyed. Among them was the creation of human beings and other living creatures. There is a also thousands, even millions of physical processes, chemical, biological and other processes are not known.
In the book Nature of Creation Harun Yahya Kingdom is the author strengthen confidence in the integrated understanding of Islam and human understanding (scientists) about the origin of the universe. The meeting understanding Qur'an and science of astronomy is that the universe began and ended; and Al Quran further hinted that the universe has a Creator Essence (Rabbul alamin). This phenomenon is expected to trigger the opening of roads and the integration of Islam in daily life.
Like the books of Harun Yahya others, the authors trace-trace express greatness, grandeur, beauty, harmony, and sophistication of a system in the universe, and end with a question: Is such a system matching occurs automatically, without Planning and Yang Yang Maha Maha Creator? Such evocative exploration of human spiritual intelligence, bringing a Muslim with his Creator.
Let's talk a little about this universe.
Planet-Earth and Other Planets
Starting from planet Earth: a vehicle that rode by billions of humans. Spiritual intelligence of men that will give meaning to travel in this universe; intergenerational travel for billions of years without a final destination is known for sure, which is free and endless, until the time of its destruction arrives.
But Earth is still too small compared to the sun, a ball of incandescent gas giant, more than 1.25 million times the size of Earth and a mass 100,000 times greater. Earth is helpless, tethered by gravity, dragging the Sun around the center of the galaxy more than 200 million years for one full circulation. (And what a glimmer of a plan of our life in this long odyssey? Very unfortunately when we did not get to see the cosmos today. Very unfortunately we are not planning to bow down and surrender to the Lord Almighty.)
Other Sun accompanist is the planet Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, asteroids, comets and so forth. Variety spacecraft in the solar system was a figure of the gas ball, the ball frozen, barren rock that is very hot, everything was elected as the planet Earth. (Then, why ride a spread in the vast universe is not easy or feasible it is inhabited by life?)
Lap after lap time passed, the destruction of billions of human spacecraft will approach slowly but surely. However, many human questions about the mysteries of the universe or not been answered yet. Various efforts have been mobilized human rationality and knowledge increases, but the mysteries of the universe that continues to be a legacy for the next generation.
Exploration of the human mind to get the facts of the universe, ranging from the world of atoms, planets, solar system, to galaxies and space are limitless universe of young galaxies. With that, the dimensions of human knowledge in the long stretch up to 1026 meters 10-13, which is the limit of the facts that can be obtained in the world of science. In 21st-century humans still eager to dive into world of 10-35 meters (Planck length scale) or 10-20 times smaller than the discovery of the atomic scale in the first decade of the 20th century. Similarly, other dimensions such as time, energy, mass, range extends from the smaller and larger.
About the time span of the universe, human beings define various times (and the transition period in between): Primordial Age, when the universe aged between 10-50 up to 105 years, the Age of Stars, (106-1014 years), the Age of Materials degenerate, (1015 - 1039 years), the Age of the Black Hole, (1040-10100 years), the Dark Ages when the universe toward its demise and destruction Age of the Universe, when matter decays. Without facts and knowledge known to man (by permission of God), humans ultimately can only speculate and can not define a variety of circumstances, such as before the birth of the universe and after the destruction.
Exploration of the human mind can reach the following assessment: number of particles (in the Sun on the Earth in 1060 or 1050), the binding energy (between Earth and the Sun at 1033 joules), the energy of 1026 watts of solar radiation, Solar energy received by Earth at 1022 joules , the energy needed for humans per year in 1020 Joule, combining the energy of the nucleus, one mole of uranium fission at 1013 joules, the energy produced 1 kg of gasoline amounted to 108 joules. A great gift for men, although through a long process.
Description and Model of the Universe
General impression of these great vast universe and the inhabitants of the Earth obtained by looking at the clear night sky without the light of the Moon. The sky was full of stars that seemed countless. Structure and size of the universe is very difficult to imagine human beings, and the progress of human perception and rationality about it takes centuries.
Descriptions too varied scenery of the universe. Once the universe is modeled as a space much smaller in size than the reality should be. Diameter of the Earth (12 500 km) detected in the 3rd century (by Eratosthenes), the distance to the Moon (384 400 km) Century 16 (Tycho Brahe, 1588), the distance to the Sun (about 150 million km) of the 17th century (Cassini, 1672), the distance of stars 61 Cygni-19th century, the distance to the Galactic center century 20 (Shapley, 1918), the distance to the galaxy-out (1929), Quasar and Big Bang (1965). The long journey continues across the generations.
Heavenly body nearest the earth is the moon. The force of gravity in moving the tides on earth, incessantly over billions of years. Because the period of the Moon's orbit and rotation of the same, humans on Earth could never see one side of the surface of the moon without the help of technology to orbit the Moon. Secrets of the other side of the Moon, the new flights are obtained by Luna 3 in 1959.
By noon, the extent sky blue sky and the sun or the moon to oversleep;'m in at dawn and dusk, a red sky on the horizon east and west. The interaction of sunlight with the Earth described the atmosphere of the space of the colorful sky.
The sun itself is one among a variety of stars in the galaxy. There are stars hotter than the Sun (the Sun's surface temperature 5.800o K), such as a hot star (can reach 50.000oK) that emit more light, ultraviolet light is harmful to life. There is a cooler star, emit more infrared light than the red and visible light are widely used human.
Man can reach the limits of the vast universe of knowledge, recognize the creation of God which never recognized in the earth like Black Hole, Neutron stars, Pulsars, dead star, or supernova explosions Nova star, galactic core explosions and so forth. However, a variety of very powerful phenomenon that can not be brought closer to the living creatures that are vulnerable to damage. However, there is a way for those who want menekuninya earnest.
Capturing Reality With the Universe Science
Human understanding of the universe able to give all the knowledge on earth, the various principles, public confidence in science (such as Heisenberg's uncertainty about the simultaneous measurement of dimensions of space and time), as well as a variety of rules for practical purposes. Through a framework of ideas that connect the various phenomena (theory of general relativity, kinetic theory of matter, special relativity theory) try to put forward an explanation. Various hypotheses, or tentative initial ideas put forward to explain the phenomenon. Of course the idea is still to be tested for truth can be said of a law.
Physical world to discuss the concept of energy, conservation laws, the concept of wave motion, and the field concept. Mechanics are very wide discussion, from classical mechanics to relativistic quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics relativistic mechanics problem-solving accommodate all the objects, quantum mechanics serves for all mechanical problems of mass velocity is less than the speed of light. Mechanics, relativistic mechanics to solve problems of mass greater than 10-27 kg and for all speeds. Newtonian mechanics (also called classical mechanics) to explain the phenomenon of relatively large objects, with relatively low speeds, but also can be used as an approach to the phenomenon of microscopic objects.
Statistical mechanics (classical quantum) is a statistical technique for the interaction of objects in large numbers to explain the phenomenon of large, kinetic and thermodynamic theory. In the exploration of human reason in the world known electromagnetic Maxwell equations to describe the behavior of electromagnetic fields, as well as theories about the relationship of light and the electromagnet. In the discussion of particle interactions, there are restrictions Pauli principle, the gravitational interaction, and electromagnetic interactions. Cause the force field;-gravitational field causes the force of gravity, electric field, causing electrical forces and so forth. Thus, the methods of science to try to more accurately describe the reality of the universe that contains a large number of celestial bodies (and even more that have not been found).
Extensive knowledge about the universe is limited by the presence of large helpless object, such as Quasar or cores of galaxies, as the guiding edge of the observable universe, it is also limited by the speed of light and age of the universe (15 billion years). That's why the universe of space humans have ever observed dimensionless 15-20 billion light years. However, many celestial bodies that emit no light and could not detect its presence, for example protoplanet. According to estimates, about 90% objects in the universe has not or could not be detected directly. Its presence is believed to be due to dark objects in orbit dynamics interfere with the observed objects, through gravity.
Talking about the power of objects, in everyday life there is lighting, power 10 watts, 75 watts and so forth, while 1026 watts of power the Sun and is one sa * of the Earth, menghangatinya. If we see the lights of the city with much greater power that looks bright. According to the laws of light, bright lights will be weakened proportional to distance squared, so a lamp at a distance of one meter appear four times brighter than at a distance of two meters, and when seen at a distance of 5 meters appear 25 times fainter.
Thus, the ability of the human eye observing weak stars is limited. Light collector size will also limit the scale of bright objects that can be observed. To detect the weaker sky objects used collector or larger telescopes. Large telescopes also have limitations in observing sky objects are weak, although managed to detect objects that millions or billions sky times weaker than the weakest stars that can be detected by humans. Other questions arise: Are all the objects of the sky can be observed through a telescope? How much that might be observed and presented as knowledge?
Greater the distance between galaxies, then our observations is also a past observation of the galaxy. The light is a fossil of the universe of information that is useful, and humans trying to catch it to see the process up to destiny in the very distant future, which will pass through the natural laws of His creation. Our knowledge of it is so dependent on our knowledge of natural laws of His creation; already complete and has been sempurnakah, or just a small part, so it may be extrapolated to form the wrong perception?
Arriving at the limit where people can imagine and reach? How the initial conditions, how the previous conditions, how the condition of five billion years into the future, how the condition of 50 billion years into the future and beyond? Is religious knowledge will provide answers to these questions? Magnificent universe will collapse, will be destroyed, but somehow the process, and what's after the destruction of that? We return to God for His search for answers, because He is the Knower of substance over all His creation, and humans were given only a little of his knowledge.
That is, through science man tries described what and how the processes of natural phenomena can occur in the context of experiments and observations, with parameters that can be observed and measured. Religion broaden the spectrum of meaning of the universe for humans concerning the presence of objects of the universe, life and humans. Short answer on the question Who is the creator of the universe and its laws of nature: God is the Creator of substances. Religion expand knowledge covered by the methodology of science and human rationality as acquainted with the supernatural, afterlife, and so forth. But so, apparently human questions about the mysteries of the universe in the vicinity of planet Earth are still many unanswered or may not respond to the destruction of Earth.
And Allaah knows best bishawwab
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